RBC.GIF (2229 octets)                         EDUCATIONAL and PROFESSIONAL TRAINING


International involvements





From 2005 to September 2014 Head of continuing education department at Louis-Lumière School for Cinema, Photo and Sound. Creation of an International Center for Advanced Studies.

Design, organization and animation of training programs including
- Extend the knowledge on preservation, new technologies and photo chemical cinematographic processes among INA staff
- 2 years training course designed for 20 staff members of a film laboratory : from photochemical to digital treatments of film.
- Design and management of vocational training courses for Service des Archives du Film (Bois d’Arcy), the French Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Cinema Department of French Armed Forces, INA (Audiovisual National Institute) and the National High School Louis Lumière.
For Archimedia (European Training Network) : organization of practical courses on the work of film  preservation and restoration, lectures on new technologies applied to cinema (digital restoration, DVD, Web Sites, and data bases), courses on the technology of cinema, film scripts, production and post production.

Lectures and Courses : Paris III UFR Cinéma et Audiovisuel, Universitat de Barcelona, NFTVA (London), Filmoteca Española (Madrid).

Participation to the conception of multimedia training programs for the LEONARDO Project "Film Archives On Line", and lectures for the GAMMA group on new technologies for images and sound.